Hello everyone!

We start a new topic.

In order to continue learning from home, we will work with the help of this blog.

I hope you find it useful and fun.

Let's go!

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015


In this video, you can learn about daily routines. Look intently and take notes in order to do the activities perfectly.

Now, you can perform activities ( Click here ). You may need to look again at the video. When you have finished, print them because we will correct them together in class.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think this activity is very useful to put in practice all studied in previous posts like verbs in present simple, time, etc. Moreover the video is very helpful because it appears written on the screen the most important words they pronounce in order to help the listener to understand it.

  2. Hello Eva,

    I'm glad you like the video. Regarding the titles, I agree with you. That's one of the reasons why I chose this video.

    Thanks a lot,

