Hello everyone!

We start a new topic.

In order to continue learning from home, we will work with the help of this blog.

I hope you find it useful and fun.

Let's go!

sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015



If you can not see the activity, click here and you can do it without problem

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Paqui¡
    I think you blog is very useful. You introduce each activity with a theory part that make children apply what you show or remember them in the theory introduction, so I think the blog is well done.
    Activities made with hot potatoes make the exercice funnier, so your pupils won´t have problems to work, because probably they are going to have fun.
    Sara Macho

  2. Hi Sara,

    Thank you for your comments, I am really glad you think my blog will be useful and fun.

    All the best,

